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€3 a month

Highest Vision Planner

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Highest Vision Planner

4 ratings

Your Whole Life Cleverly Organized In One Place.

Realize your full potential with our method for meaningful life design using our modular paper planner.

Choose a membership to get access to our printable planner modules (PDF) and other benefits. 

Learn more about memberships and how you can upgrade/downgrade or cancel anytime.

Please note: the vegan leather cover is not included in the membership and must be ordered separately from our partner!

What Are Weekly Reviews?

Highest Vision supports healthy, purpose-driven productivity. But it can be hard to keep your planner up-to-date, especially during stressful times. In our Weekly Review Zoom calls (every Monday from 19 - 20:30 CEST) we always go through the same steps of updating the various parts of the planner so everyone can stay on track.

What Are Vision Meditations?

Our recorded meditations will help you to arrive in a fully relaxed state and connect to your deepest desires and visions in different life aspects. Each week one of the 12 life aspects will be chosen as a focus. You will be guided through the meditation and the journaling process and learn how to manifest powerful changes in your life.

What Are Training Sessions?

You can learn most of the Highest Vision method on our website by reading our guides and tutorials. However, written guides and tutorials are prone to misunderstandings and sometimes you might not fully grasp a concept. That's why we also offer live training where you can ask questions and we can clarify Highest Vision concepts.

: consultation

Terms of Use

By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and Gumroad's terms.

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